Founded in 2017 at Boston Center for the Arts (BCA), the Boston Art Book Fair (BosABF) is a free, all-ages weekend celebrating art, text, print and the myriad ways artists find expression through -- and push the definition of! — these forms. This much anticipated annual event invites active engagement, engages all the senses, and has the goal of connecting art with community as broadly as possible. Boston Art Book Fair is presented by Boston Center for the Arts and Bodega.
The Boston Art Book Fair includes a great range of offerings, from top tier national publishers to individual artists making handmade books and zines. Exhibitors include museums and galleries supporting artist catalogues and text-based projects, University-based graphic design, photography, magazines, sound and performance related projects, and more. Boston Art Book Fair welcomes all audiences; from sophisticated art collectors to a teenager buying their first zine.
The first Boston Art Book Fair was held in BCA's Mills Gallery, and Plaza Theatres and in rehearsal space in the Calderwood Theatre. In 2019 the BosABF more than doubled in size, moving into the iconic Cyclorama and welcoming more than 130 exhibitors and 5,000 guests, while featuring panel discussions, film screenings, and art installations. We continue to grow!